Illinois Wild Pheasant Hunting Collection Video

A collection of wild Illinois pheasant hunting action shot, filmed, and edited by Randy Wakeman

Video - Pheasant hunting strategies for public access lands in Colorado

Pheasant hunting strategies for public access lands in Colorado, including expert advice on identifying and analyzing each type of habitat, and predicting pheasant daily movements. In addtion to exciting hunting scenes featuring a variety of hunting styles and hunting dogs, this video presents the viewer with stunning scenery of the High Plains of eastern Colorado.

KS Upland Bird Hunting Video - Americana Outdoors 2013

KS Upland Bird Hunting Video - Americana Outdoors 2013
Flint Oak Resort

Pheasant Hunting with Pointers in Pennsylvania Video

This Pheasant Hunt took place in Northeastern Pa. We had along to hunt with us two English setters (Pointers), we killed many Roster and hen Pheasants on this November upland hunt . We used 12 gauges and 20 gauges, some shots were easier and some harder then others. Watch as we shoot and miss some pheasants with our friends and family!

South Dakota Pheasant Hunting 2014 - Bird Dogs Afield Video

Bird Dogs Afield TV visits Jim River Ranch for South Dakota Pheasant Hunting 2014. A great show with continuous action.